
To build a platform for digitally tracking and management of documents, assets, tools and facilities using QR code, RFID and Geo-tracking technologies.

Why Footprints

User Needs

  • In a real estate company, track the tools borrowed by the employees, manage the assets lifecycle and usage
  • Manage the documents being processed by number of departments and hence ensure faster completion time
  • Track real time geographical location of an asset and limit the movement area
  • Maintain the facilities and assets in a building and ensure timely replacements and repairs


  • Building a framework which can accommodate various kinds of asset tracking and management needs
  • Handling data from different types of data sources containing geo-location, barcode, QR code, RFID
  • Satisfying user specific data analytics needs with the customisable dashboard
  • Providing the organisation admins to audit the changes with upmost granularity


Track and trace solution for document, facility, asset tracking and supply chain management.


Footprints Files

Follow every document in your organisation.

Automate tracking files and documents and improve workflow efficiency in your organization. FPFiles offers a consistent watch over movement of important documents and supports better decision making.

Footprints Assets

Make your assets location-aware.

Create a digital library of all your assets and make them location-aware. FPAssets drives value with chain of custody reports, check in / check out features, reservation mechanisms, notifications and integrated status information.

Footprints InStock

Make your assets location-aware.

Create a digital library of all your assets and make them location-aware. FPAssets drives value with chain of custody reports, check in / check out features, reservation mechanisms, notifications and integrated status information.

Footprints Secure

Deliver the environment of the future.

Digitize facility management processes and services, monitor maintenance, track and respond to HSE issues in time and drive technology enabled effective compliance for your organization.

Key Features

feature iconCloud Hosted

Footprints is hosted on the cloud with easy access from various endpoints. Capital infrastructure costs are thereby reduced.

feature iconSecure

Footprints is hosted on secure servers with periodic audits and updates. All data transfers are encrypted.

feature iconReliable

Footprints is robustly designed for high reliability and availability. Database is managed with scheduled backups.

feature iconScalable

Footprints is robustly designed for high reliability and availability. Database is managed with scheduled backups.

feature iconDeploy on Premise

Footprints is architected for on premise deployment where data localisation is a requirement.

feature iconCustomizable

Footprints is highly configurable and customisable. APIs allow seamless integration with legacy systems.

Development Practices

Peer Reviews

Peer evaluation is as necessary as self evaluation. Every pull request raised to the repository is reviewed by the peers to keep typos and trivial bugs at bay. It also ensures that the everyone in the team is following similar conventions while coding.

Unit and Integration Tests

We believe in delivering highest quality of the work. Mobiux is built and stands on that principle from Day 1. We make sure that every code push to the repository has gone through unit and integration tests.

Unit test covers most of the minor functionalities of the product, but we integration tests again to test the UI/UX and the product functionalities. We automate the integration tests using nightwatch.

Code Quality Analysis

We use SonarQube for the code quality analysis. It makes sure that the developers follow the most common conventions, duplications are minimal, tests have been run with enough code coverage. It also warns of potential security vulnerabilities.

Continuous Integrations and Deployments

Continuous integration helps keeping the code quality checks before the new code is even introduced into the repository. Tests and Sonar analysis is part of this process at Mobiux.
A peer review is only done only if all the tests and the sonar quality checks pass. Post the peer review, the new code is merged with the existing repository and the automated deployment pipeline triggers. This ensures that the live system is always updated with the minor features updates.

Design Prototype

Product Landing Page

Document Tracker Landing Page

Asset Tracker Landing Page

Supply Chain Landing Page

Estate Management Landing Page

Mobile App Prototype

Tech Stack and Major Libraries

Client Application (Frontend)

React JS (JavaScript)

A JavaScript library for building user interfaces


A Predictable State Container for JS Apps


Bootstrap is an open source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS and JS

Server (Backend)

Django (Python)

Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.



PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with first class support for geographical data.

DevOps (Deployment and Hosting)

Gitlab CI

GitLab CI/CD is a tool built into GitLab for software development through the continuous methodologies: Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Deployment (CD).


AWS has the services to help build sophisticated applications with increased flexibility, scalability and reliability.


Container solutions for developers, architects, DevOps, and IT.


Webserver that serves our frontend application.